Friday, January 21, 2011

Anthropology & Alpha Male

Brennan: [toasting Booth] Anthropology teaches us that the alpha male is the man wearing the crown, displaying the most colorful plumage and the shiniest baubles. He stands out from the others. But I now think that anthropology may have it wrong. In working with Booth, I've come to realize that the quiet man, the invisible man, the man who's always there for friends and family... that's a real alpha male. And I promise my eyes will never be caught by those shiny baubles again.

Taken from Bones TV Series

Lelaki itu lebih dinilai dari bagaimana dan seberapa banyak ia menjalankan perkataannya, bukan dari banyaknya ia bicara. (Mutya, 2011)


# Setiap menonton Bones, saya tidak bisa berhenti memikirkan bagaimana karakter dan jalan pemikiran Dr Temperance 'Bones' Brennan yang memiliki kemiripan dengan salah seorang teman saya. Menarik, sangat menarik.


  1. humm,, oke dah, saia mampirin ke kokem buat cari tu dvd.. jadi penasaran

  2. Hahaha... Oke selamat berburu DVD Bones ya, Pai! Hati-hati, ntar bisa kecanduan nontonnya :D

  3. It's an instinct, apparently.

    Observer define them as an 'alpha' male, but they just doing something, what they have to do,

    It's an obvious, no matter what label they will get.

    Thank you for your advice, Ma'am :)

  4. Menemukan alpha male seperti yang Bones definisikan terhadap sosok Booth itu susah. Makanya sangat bersyukur kalau bisa menemukan alpha male macam begitu :D

  5. [ Makanya sangat bersyukur kalau bisa menemukan alpha male macam begitu :D ]

    Hmm, a difficult job I think. A guy like what you've said before, he prefer to be invisible,and don't really enjoy publicity.

    You can find his creation everywhere, it seems a lot of people know him, but that's not the real him. He prefer to stay within himself, and watch everybody outside him.

    But still, I'll pray for your best, to find such kind of male, as your life partner.

    You're a nice girl, you've right to get the best for your life.


  6. Difficult yet exhilarating :P

    [You can find his creation everywhere, it seems a lot of people know him, but that's not the real him. He prefer to stay within himself, and watch everybody outside him.]

    Kekekekek.... Justru disitulah letak serunya. Menerjemahkan karya yang sebenarnya tidak mencerminkan pembuatnya merupakan suatu tantangan.

    [But still, I'll pray for your best, to find such kind of male, as your life partner.]

    Allah sudah mengatur yang terbaik bagi umat-Nya. Terima kasih :)

  7. Heu, komen Kak Galih yang terakhir ini padahal sudah saya approve sebelumnya, dan sudah saya balas. Tapi kenapa komen Kak Galih dan saya hilang yah? Termasuk komen yang Pemburu itu.... Emang beberapa hari kemarin Blogspot sempat error, jadi berdampak ke pengaturan komen juga -___-"

    [Hmm, a difficult job I think. A guy like what you've said before, he prefer to be invisible,and don't really enjoy publicity.]

    Iya, tapi menyenangkan sekali :D

    [You can find his creation everywhere, it seems a lot of people know him, but that's not the real him.]

    Uh, itu yang membuatnya sangat menarik untuk diperhatikan :)

    [But still, I'll pray for your best, to find such kind of male, as your life partner.

    You're a nice girl, you've right to get the best for your life.]

    Terima kasih Kak Galih. Semoga Allah juga memberi yang terbaik buat Kak Galih :)
