Saturday, May 28, 2011


Special Agent Seeley Booth: Well, it means, Bones, that you know, you can love a lot of people in this world, but there's only one person you love the most. 
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: But how do you know which person you love the most when you're confused by chemical messages travelling throughout your limbic system? 
Special Agent Seeley Booth: You just do. 
Dr. Temperance 'Bones' Brennan: ...What if you let that person get away? 
Special Agent Seeley Booth: That person's not going anywhere. 


Maaf, kesalahan bukan pada layar komputer Anda tapi karena saya sedang tidak logis :D


  1. Those matter tend to be illogical Ma'am, apparently :P

    Nothing wrong with your feeling, trust me :)

  2. Ehehehe.... Kesalahan yang aku sebutkan di atas sebenarnya mengacu pada topik yang diangkat. Topik melankolis seperti ini sudah lama nggak aku angkat :D
