Tuesday, November 4, 2008

senior year, busiest year ever in my SBM life


Nice day, isn'it? Although it's kinda cold in Bandung lately....

Well, I'm quite surprised to find out that I've not submitted any post in a few months. I think I'm kinda busy with some SBM stuffs. FYI, this is my senior year on School of Business and Management (SBM) -- hope so, hahahaha...--

By the latest information from SBM administration staff, the annual board of lecturer and dean *hahaha* have decided that Mr Leo Aldianto will be my dosen pembimbing or final project guidance lecturer -- well, since I don't know what is the exact translation of dosen pembimbing, I'll use final project guidance lecturer (FPGL) to explain about it--

I was thinking to make a business plan to be my final project. However, I found some difficulties to explain the operation process in it. On the same time, I have been offered some helps in gaining data from the Human Resource division in a national company. Therefore, I plan to change my FPGL into Ms Yuni, the Human Resource lecturer in SBM.

Now, let's talk about my daily life in SBM. Well, it's quite tough since most of the course that I've been joined require me to make lots and lots of paper... *hahaha... I guess that's what a college for, right? Giving their students a lots of assignments in order to 'blow up' students' brain :)) *

Here are my elective courses that I've been joined in this semester:
1. Sales management
2. Managing Employee Performance
3. Managerial Accounting
4. Venture Capital Business

Meanwhile, there are two compulsory courses in this semester, which are Corporate Finance and Decision making and Negotiation.

Oh, BTW, the Corporate Finance courses have made me 'insane'! It was required every students to submit the weekly corporation analysis report, yet many students -- including me, hihihi-- found out that they didn't understand the basic concept to make an appropriate corporation analysis. The corporation analysis include the corporate governance, risk and return analysis, bond valuation, stock valuation, bla bla bla..... And the worst part is, this CF assignment has 'stealth' my-previous-weekend, sigh.

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