Thursday, August 4, 2016

Salam Ahimsa

Several weeks ago, I "accidentaly" read an article of 'Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu'. That mantra used to pray for all sentient beings to be happy or in a peaceful state. Furthermore, it carries the spirit of ahimsa or no violence. The ahimsa concept reminds me of 'sin lam miim' Arabic triliteral roots in Qur'an.

For the first time I chanted it, then followed by mindful eating, it made me cried. I wasn't crying because of sad, but more likely being grateful. I was suddenly became aware to the food processing. How those rice grains planted by farmers or how does the farmers took care of their cattles then its meat delivered to my plate. And so on and on and on..... If I could describe that situation into one word, it will be PEACEFUL. I rarely have peaceful state of mind. So yeah, that was wonderful.

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