Friday, April 17, 2015

Fangirling Time!

It's been a long time for me to stop doing fangirling. The last time I did it was on junior high school, for Westlife. It's cheesy, right? But at that time, me and my friends, thought that they were awesome. I even singing their song on my junior high school festival. I was reallllyyyyy embarassing moment!

Yup, that memorable hairdo

Today, I'm a CNBlue fan newbie, but not a hard die fan type. I like to see their talents, to be honest. Thanks to my cousins, who talked a lot about Lee Jong Hyun, on our way to a food stall. I've heard their songs years before my cousins showed me pictures of Jong Hyun. Since those pictures of this good looking man *credit to that gorgeous jaw line!* captivating my heart *tsaaah*, I keep looking their music videos and their appearance on We Got Married (WGM) program.

I prefer to see more of his normal version., on rock festival The one without massive hair gel. Just natural.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mutya's Lab: Bersih-bersih Peralatan Tidur

Hello! Welcome, welcome to my lab. Please, have a seat and enjoy it.

Hari ini mau sharing tentang dua percobaan yang terkait dengan membersihkan bantal & kasur pegas.

A. Cara membersihkan bantal

  1. Lepas sarung bantal, lalu bersihkan bantal dengan penyedot debu
  2. Siapkan campuran pembersih. Masukkan detergent; sabun cuci piring; pemutih. Kalau ada boraks, semakin bagus. Untuk detergent, sesuaikan dengan tipe mesin cuci. Saya menggunakan detergent untuk mesin cuci front load.
  3. Masukkan bantal ke dalam mesin cuci. Ada tips di internet yang mengatakan sebaiknya sekali mencuci, dua bantal dimasukkan. Tapi, hasilnya buruk. Bantal jadi berubah bentuk. Sebaiknya masukkan satu bantal saja.
  4. Setting mesin cuci dengan air panas. Saya menggunakan 90 derajat Celsius.
  5. Gunakan rpm yang rendah. Saya pernah menggunakan 850 rpm, hasilnya bantal berubah bentuk. Lebih aman menggunakan 550 rpm.
  6. Pastikan untuk memilih menu extra rinse.
  7. Jemur di bawah terik sinar matahari
  8. Cara ini hanya pernah saya coba untuk bantal berbahan kapuk.

Monday, April 13, 2015

How to Become Happier

Feelin' blue? Don't! Cause I have several ways to leverage good mood. Here they are:

  1. Listening some musics. Feel the groove of music that you like. I listened to Nathan Hartono & Cilla Chan lately. They are exceptional artists. But for other days, I like to listen gendhing; jazz; blues or folks.
  2. Having some exercises. I like doing stretching; practicing several silat movements; High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or sometimes a little bit running. I read that exercising will boost endorphin. I don't have a good understanding about biology, but it works. I get happier every time I finished exercising. I feel that my future house should have punch bag. Yeah, so whenever I feel angry and want to punch something, I could go to that room and punch it whatever I like.
  3. Doing meditation. It could be quite tricky, actually. Because you have to figure out what kind of meditation that suits for you. I've tried several types of meditation and found out that the awareness meditations works best for me. Either in drawing; eating; or just zazen. How to say that a meditation suits for you? Well, check your body; chi; and feeling responses after doing a meditation. Repeat it at least three times, then you'll know. 
  4. Go outside. Take your shoes off and having sun bathing for awhile. 
  5. Read and watch something humorous. I like reading Calvin & Hobbes or watching something "cheesy" like Roommate. Whenever I got tensed, I don't like to watch or reading something that require a lot of attentions. 
  6. Keep your hand busy, like doing cooking; drawing; sewing; writing; cleaning something or experimenting. 
  7. Avoid information flood, especially trashful information like gossip or something that too far to related to your life. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Eye Candy Couple

I'm not fond into romantic things, but seeing this couple drives me crazy. They are Lee Jong Hyun & Gong Seung Yeon. This good looking couple is united in "We Got Married" show.

I know that it is scripted, but God, I love to see their chemistry and their body language when they're together. As if that's natural. The fact that Jong Hyun was taekwondo & judo athlete and Seung Yeon graduated from women university makes me craving to see them even more. Guess I like to see manly man bonding with feminine woman. Even tough sometime I consider seeing things like this on televison as voluntarily hypnotic act. Hahahaha.